Время работы: 9:00-20:00 (воскресенье - выходной) | sales@arefyevstudio.com

Rights and obligations of the parties

1.The client has the right:

1.1 At any time, refuse to perform the services of the studio by paying the cost of the actually done work (the party who wishes to withdraw from the contract fulfills the obligation to reimburse the costs and (or) losses associated with early and unilateral termination).
1.2 Check and clarify the progress of the work.
1.3. Make changes and additions in accordance with this agreement.
1.4 The customer has the right to supplement the project with the missing tracks/files, specifying in advance how much the amount of payment for the project will increase due to the increase in the volume of work, if after making an advance payment during the work it turns out that the materials were provided in an incomplete form.
1.5 If the Customer placed an order for a certain number of tracks, and for some reason he refuses the services, the funds are returned for unfulfilled or partially completed projects (up to 30% of the volume of sound information). Those projects that were made and sent in full to the Customer are considered closed (the parties to the contract are not entitled to demand the return of what they performed under the obligation before terminating the contract). Refunds are made within 14 days from the moment the details are provided by the Customer.
1.6. Upon receipt of the completed project, the Customer has the right to make changes in the amount indicated in the “Prices” section of this site. Exceeding the number of edits due to the Customer – is paid additionally.

2. The studio has the right:

2.1 Request and receive from the Customer the information necessary for work.
2.2 Do not start work, but stop the work that has begun, if:
The customer did not make the agreed advance payment for the project (the “Mastering” service is an exception),
The customer did not provide a complete data package for work.
2.3 Stop work on the project if the Contractor during the analysis finds out that he will not be able to achieve the desired result (according to the Terms of Reference) from source materials of appropriate quality, due to circumstances independent of the Contractor, of which the Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer in the prescribed manner.
2.4 The Contractor reserves the right not to return the full or partial prepayment for the project if it is completed or prematurely terminated by the Customer. The amount of the prepayment refund is calculated based on the time spent and the amount of work performed.
2.5 The Contractor is not entitled to be held liable for incorrectly executed financial transactions (erroneous entries of details or accidental transfers).

3. The customer is obliged:

3.1 Provide all the necessary materials to achieve the maximum benefit and productivity of the Contractor.
3.2 Reimburse the Contractor for the cost of the work actually done, in case of early termination of the order under this contract.
3.3 Accept from the Contractor the services provided in the “Prices” section of this site.
3.4 Pay for services on the terms indicated in the sections “Mechanism of Interaction” and under the contract.

4. The contractor is obliged:

4.1 Timely and adequately provide services in accordance with the terms and prices reflected in the “Prices” section of this website. If the workload of the Contractor requires an increase in the project implementation time, the Customer will be notified in due course.
4.2 Perform work with full responsibility of the current legislation, this agreement and the Customer’s Terms of Reference.
4.3. If circumstances arise that prevent the full fulfillment of obligations, immediately notify the Customer in the prescribed manner.

When ordering the services of the Studio, the Customer automatically agrees to this Agreement