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11 best mixing and mastering books

7 April , 2018

11 luchshikh knig po svedeniyu muzyki i zvukorezhissure

“Books for nerds. I have not read books from school. Why should I read a book when I can just watch the tutorials on YouTube?” – Unsuccessful sound engineer.

Successful mixing and mastering engineers for life students. It doesn’t matter if you have a degree in science or have written hundreds of essays on a chosen topic – there is always the opportunity to learn something new. For decades, musicians, in addition to technical skills, have relied on training systems and structuring to hone their craft knowledge. Just because you do not have the opportunity to be near a renowned engineer, this does not mean that you cannot learn from him. Some of the most successful ones conveyed their wisdom through books on recording, mixing and mastering.

1. Modern RecordingTechniques – David Miles Huber

Modern Recording Techniques David Miles Huber

This is a famous old book. Currently, the 9th edition of Modern Recording Techniques covers everything from the basics of a DAW program to digital audio, including MIDI, plug-in processing, and more.

The price for Amazon is $ 56.

— See also: The best plugins for mastering music! —

2. Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio — Mike Senior

Mike Senior is an experienced sound engineer from London, but you probably know more about working with Sound on Sound, where he led the Studio SOS and Mix Rescue columns. His book “Mixing Secrets in a Small Studio” offers a complete course based on the methods of more than 100 of the world’s most famous manufacturers.

The price of Amazon is $ 27.

3. The Art Of Mixing: A Visual Guide ToRecording, Engineering And Production — David Gibson

The Art Of Mixing A Visual Guide To Recording, Engineering And Production David Gibson

Although this book is a bit outdated, concepts are still relevant today. The author explores complex topics and explains them in a simple, visual way. Some books discuss sound engineering from a scientific point of view, while others discuss a more artistic approach. In The Art of Mixing – the perfect combination of both styles. Gibson’s visual approach will make you think about mixing in a completely new way.

Amazon Price $ 69

4. The Recording Engineer’s Handbook — BobbyOwsinski

Currently, the fourth edition by Bobby Owsinski, covers all the most popular microphones and contains a detailed description of how to record every instrument: from accordions to xylophones.

Amazon Price – $ 15

5. The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook – Bobby Owsinski

The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook Bobby Owsinski

Another classic from Bobby Ousinski. This book explores the art of mixing music. The handbook covers topics such as elements of the mix, its “magic frequencies” and modern processing methods used today.

Amazon Price – $ 15

6. ZEN And The Art of Mixing — Mixerman

ZEN And The Art of Mixing uses a philosophical note approach and less attention to the technical side. Discusses the various planes of the space inside the mix and its visualization, as well as the popular section “Steps to better mixing”.

Amazon Price $ 17

7. Thinking OutsideThe Box

To become a good engineer requires more than just knowledge of technical know-how. These latest books are not directly related to recording or mixing, but they provide valuable information about other aspects of the music business that will make you more thoughtful.

— See also: 6 best plug-ins for fixing phase problems —

8. Behind The Glass: Top Record Producers Tell How They Craft The Hits — Howard Massey

Behind The Glass Top Record Producers Tell How They Craft The Hits Howard Massey

The book “Behind the Glass” is focused on the process of creating records from the point of view of the music producer, and although there are no details about fine tuning the compressor, there is useful information for beginners. Howard Massey talks about such heavyweights as Al Schmitt, Brian Wilson, George Martin, Eddie Kramer, Jack Douglas, George Massenburg, Ed Czerny, Sylvia Massey, and discusses their technical aspects.

Amazon Price $ 19

9. All You Need ToKnow About the Music Business – Donald Passman

If you plan to make money in the music business, then you need to read the “industrial bible.” This book talks about what every engineer needs to know about copyright and music publications, as well as royalties and the “rentals” agreement.

Amazon Price $ 42

10. Music Theory For Computer Musicians – Dr. Michael Hewitt

Music is a universal language, but if you do not know the theory, you cannot read and write in this language. “Theory of music” covers the basics that every sound engineer should know, such as the rhythm, tempo, length of notes, intervals and other subtleties.

Amazon Price $ 19

11. The SoundReinforcement Handbook – Gary Davis, Ralph Jones

The Sound Reinforcement Handbook Gary Davis и Ralph Jones

The Sound Amplification Guide is one of those books that you will use over and over again over the years. This is especially true if you plan to move to the more technical side of development and want to know about acoustic placement, PA system development, or even how to read and write circuits for signal processors.

Amazon Price – $ 22

There are other equally useful books on recording, mixing and mastering music. Of course, someone is convinced that the sound needs to be studied only with the ears, but knowledge of the theory is simply necessary for the development and understanding of all subtle processes.

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