If you are looking for free presets for Sylenth1 – you are in the right place! Sylenth1 is a virtual analog synthesizer that is very popular in modern music and very convenient to use! He is the standard and the main tool of many popular producers. All the banks and presets that we took in our collection – now you can download for free and use in your tracks!
Sylenth1 presets:
- SampleMagic – 96 free Sylenth1 patches from Sample Magic (distribution is closed).
- TheCarePackage – This kit contains 12 reliable sound cans. Everything is absolutely free!
- TrapGodSylenthBank – This is “TrapGod” Sylenth1 and contains 20 cans, mainly for the Trap style (distribution is closed).
- ToegoStudios128 – This package contains 128 crazy preset patches containing arp, bass, keys, synthesizers and many other atmospheric sounds (the distribution is closed).
- EvoSoundsProgressiveLeads – This archive was created by ZenWorld and contains 16 progressive presets (the distribution is closed).
- Zenmas Sylenth1Bank – Awesome archive for Sylenth1. Contains 5 bass and 5 guides to help you get exactly the sound you’re looking for (the distribution is closed).
- Scary Sylenth1 SoundBank – A new set of presets from ZappaBeatz, applicable to all styles.
- WhatAbout: Free Sylenth1 EDM Presets – 160 first-class presets that will wait for all genres of modern music (distribution is closed).
- NoisecruxPresetBank – 65 fresh free presets from Noisecrux (distribution is closed).
- JontMusic’sSylenth1Pre-Pack – 30 presets for edm music from JontMusic
- Vandalism’s FreeSylenth1 Pack (no longer distribute) – 25 presets from the Vandals. New sounds suitable for abstract music.
- A. Productions TropcialHouseTools (no longer distributed) – Summer and sunny sounds for Sylenth1. Mostly House style.
- DrumologySylenth1 DrumPresets – Presets from Drumology. Contains 49 surround and rare drum sounds.
- EDMFactory Soundbank – A wonderful collection of 25 presets from the manufacturers of EDM (distribution is closed).
- SpunkfaceSamplers Deep/MinimalPack – High quality presets from Spunkface Samplers (distribution is closed).
- MitiS Sylenth1 PatchBank – A set of warm sounds from MitiS (distribution is closed).
- Ronin Syelnth1Pack 1 – Deadly and coarse sounds from Ronin for Sylenth1.
- ANKJ’s Sylenth Presets for ElectronicMusic – 33 presets for Sylenth1 from ANKJ (distribution is closed).
- TheMelbourneBouncePack – 64 presets with a full set of necessary tools! (distribution is closed)
It is worth noting that it is difficult to attribute libraries to any specific styles. Authors can use them in any proportion, idea, idea and role in the track.