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Ample Sound – Cloudrum [Free]

27 December , 2017


Ample Sound released Ample Percussion Cloudrum – a free virtual percussion instrument in VST, AU and AAX formats and as a standalone standalone application.

Ample Percussion Cloudrum is a drum instrument with four presets (Open, Mute, Open Release, Muted Release) and two microphone positions with stereo and mono modes for each of them. It covers a range of three octaves.

The user interface looks clean and modern. The user can adjust the microphone sound and surroundings. Cloudrum has a built-in pre-installed manager and a doubling mode that plays various samples in the left and right channels for a wide stereo effect.

You can download it for free by direct link from the developer’s site, without registration (distribution is closed). It can work as a plugin for your DAW program, or as a standalone application.

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Об авторе: mix-master

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